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Trotz Deckung Wasserknappheit, warum ist Indien ein großer virtueller Netto-Export von Wasser Sollte es so weitergehen Kommentar. Die Wasserknappheit bezieht sich auf den Mangel an Wasser für den täglichen Bedarf und die Boden - und Oberflächenwasserverarmung. Es bedeutet, dass das Verhältnis der Gesamt - und Grundwasserschwelle zur Oberflächen - / Grundwasserverfügbarkeit in einem bestimmten Einzugsgebiet gilt. Wenn das Verhältnis 1 ist, bedeutet dies, dass die verfügbare Oberfläche / das Grundwasser vollständig ausgeschöpft wird. Es gibt 4 Stufen der Wasserknappheit, ein Verhältnis unter 1 bezieht sich auf niedrige Knappheit, 1 bis 1,5 bezieht sich auf moderate Knappheit, 1,5 bis 2 bezieht sich auf signifikante Knappheit Und über 2 schwere Knappheit. GRÜNDE FÜR INDIEN EIN NETTER EXPORTEUR DES WASSERS: gtIndia war in erster Linie eine landwirtschaftliche Nation und exportiert daher hauptsächlich landwirtschaftliche Produkte, die sehr hohe Wassermengen erfordern. That too it mainly exports high water crops such as cereals instead of drought resistant crops such as pulses. Next most of the indian farmers practice flood irrigation which leads to high wastage of water instead of using water saving irrigation techniques gtIndian industrial manufacturers too such as steel and textile industries too have not been using water saving technological practices and so the exports lead to high amount of water from India exported to other countries. gtThis should not continue like this and for that to be achieved India should primarily be a services exporter or industrial goods exporter instead of being a agricultural exporter primarily. Government8217s Make in india scheme is a good move in this regard as it has the potential to transform India into a manufacturing nation. gtAgriculture should be made high water efficient by using technologies like Drip and sprinkler irrigation. India should follow israel in this regard. Indias current partnership with israel is a good move in this regard. gtWe should switch to water efficient crops such as pulses instead of wasting water in cereals. Drought resistant crops should be developed through genetic engineering, Manufacturing industries should adopt technology that would increase their water efficiency very well written Water scarcity is lack of sufficient water resources to meet the needs of the people in the region. Facing back to back short of monsoon rain, India is facing water scarcity in todays scenario. But as per the Water Footprint network (WFN) data, India is virtual exporter of water to the world. For example India export trillions of basmati rice to the world, but the requirement of water for basmati rice is in trillions of liters. Thus India is becoming net exporter of water virtually, similarly it is applicable for other water intensive crops in India. To reduce the net export of water, India should opt for below:- 1. Drought resistance crop: 8211 Will maintain the requirement of calories without much use of water. 2. Less water intensive crops: 8211 Like pulses etc. will have to save more water. 3. Genetic Engineering: 8211 Will help to reduce the use of water for crops while maintaining its quality e. g. International Rice Research Institute. 4. Area specific crops: 8211 Will maintain the optimal use of water. Thus reducing the export of crops is not advisable, but India can opt for better technological advancement to reduce the water use. Also boosting the export of manufacturing goods will balance the Indian export economy. Nice answer8230 U can also give definition of water scarcity8230. i feel u could ve elaborated more on how india has been net exporter of water with focus on agricultural economy more acreage under cereals than pulses, growing water sensitive crops in dry areas for which maharashtra stands live example. though foreign exchange crucial how this problem is multifaceted on india whether it may be inflation, reducing water table Thanks for your reply a very well written answer. i would like to raise some flags8230 i may be wrong. Point 2. Restricting overproduction (surplus is used for buffer stock and export) of cereals by restricting subsidy. It may be contradictory approach as far as food security and foreign exchange earnings (through exports) are concerned. removing subsidies could be a wrong idea considering the consumer interests (poverty) and may adversely affect the farmers. Point3: Displacement of agriculture could be replaced with moderate words8230 agricultural labour ko hi remove kar diya to ugayega kaun bhai ponit 3: You mean food processing if yes, than a very good point I mention restricting not avoding8230 Wastages and leakages in our present buffer stocks made me to mention this point. Subsidy removal is necessary because the subsidised amount can generate more if invested on other sectors and do save people from drought conditions. I felt displacement is needed because the present ratio of people engaged is more which is not needed and harmful to our economy8230in the days of tapping demographic dividend8230 Please reframe this point in your words8230and enlighten me.. I didnt think about food processing8230 I mention in the view of total output figures8230..Food processing is noted down now.. Thank you8230 hahaha, food processing was implicit in your point of shelf life. subsidy removal rationalization of subsidy displacement of labour increasing the share of employment of secondary sector(at par with developed nations) wastage and leakages in buffer stock ko control karne k liye to ye sab bhi kar sakte hai na8230 increasing storage facility ( strengthning the private enterpreneurship guarantee scheme, of NABARD)cold storage, DBT, JAM trinity, GPS, use of technology, supervision and accountability etc etc in my opinion focus must be more on agricultural practices, crop pattern etc. use of technology, research in crops which consumes less water, Hydroponic crops, drip irrigation 8230 rationalization of export (more export of water intesive crop during surplus monsoon years8230) anyways. its all subjective. your strategy is right and clear. i just suggested one alternate angle.. Thank you for giving various alternatives of words8230 But dont mind I do agree with some points only.. Rationalization I dont agree in agriculture8230.Subsidy on logical base is currently in practice in India8230 Like various state governments exemption of rich landlords from subsidies. Z. B. Andhrapradesh and Telangana8230 I suggest removal because until government is maintaining MSP and innovative techniques like Online trading. There wont be any problem for production8230removal discourages the farmers with small holdings and encourage them into industries8230is need of the hour8230 Share of secondary sector needs land8230 It will be available if displacement happens8230 Your way of apporaching is good8230 Will use when answer permits.. Completely agreed with Wastages and leakages point.. Copied your alternate angle8230 waiting to implement it8230 ashish ji you have unidirectional ans. que ask also added pt. IPL, international sport matches held in india also high water consuming activity. industrial, textile production and export etc.. overall nice answ. if i am right8230review I have covered multi dimensions like social, economic and physical factors8230Please point out the reasons that you felt it is unidirectional8230in simple terms.. International sport matches didnt come under exports8230 though it is a good point but Its not apt for the question. Industrial and textile production exports8230 please be specific what are the exports in these sectors India is surplus8230and enlighten me8230 Your review gives an additional content and useful8230 Thankyou for the review my friend8230 Keep reviewing.. you have more focuse in agriculture secter, and IPL, international matches held in india is come under export of goods and services by selling items inside the country.. 1) Define water scarcity. Despite facing water scarcity, why is India a large virtual net export of water Should it continue like this Comment Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet water needs within a region. Also it refers as either the lack of enough water (quantity) or lack of access to safe water (quality). Water scarcity involves water crisis, water shortage, water deficit or water stress. Water scarcity can be due to physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity. Physical water scarcity refers to a situation where natural water resources are unable to meet a regions demand and economic water scarcity is a result of poor water management resources. There are 4 levels of water scarcity, a ratio below 1 refers to low scarcity,1 to 1.5 refers to moderate scarcity,1.5 to 2 refers to significant scarcity and above than 2 severe scarcity Though except for Brahmaputra and Mahanadi, all river basins with a population of more than 20 million face water shortage for the major part of the year still India is the worlds largest net virtual water exporter as per Water Footprint network (WFN) data, i.e more domestic water resources for export products than any other country. Example India exports trillions of basmati rice to the world. Exporting focus on cereals (water dependent crop) rather than pulses(drought resistant) and use of traditional agricultural techniques like flooding rather using drip irrigation and other smart modern techniques. Indian tendency of taking it as more agricultural as priority sector which reflects its weightage in our export policies. Other sectors like industry also dont follow majors to save water also contribute to virtual water export We cant deny India as agricultural country and therefore immediate changes can disturbed livelihood of Indian backward, rural and only agricultural dependent citizen which our constitution not permits. Therefore, gradually changes with immediate effects are required to halt its continuation like this which are as follows: Modernization of traditional technology Better simple methods of calculation so that laymen can himself able to handle situation Upgraded Cropping pattern management Subsides should provide for drought resistant crop Water consumption tagging system should introduce This is right time to have a shift from traditional ways to more better advanced technology. likewise proactive govt efforts like skill India, soil health card schemes, water schemes should also be welcome move . thnx. ok ithink it can b rewrite as Water scarcity can be due to physical water scarcity(unable to meet a regions demand) and economic water scarcity(poor water management resources). Water scarcity is defined as the point at which the combined impact of the population affects the supply of water to the extent that the demand by all sectors of the society cannot be satisfied fully. Water embedded in crops is the water content of each crop and once the crop is exported it cannot be recovered. Why India is a virtual net exporter 1. It has been exporting water as a result of distorted incentives for crops 2. Emphasis on commercial crops like soybean, cotton, sugar, rice which are water guzzling crops 3. Narrow Minimum Support Price for selected crops which makes farmer to cultivate MSP supported crops that are water intensive 4. Subsidy on power supply makes farmer to use water inefficiently and use it for water gulping crops 5. Skewed trade patterns of Indian crops India should not continue like this and can emulate other countries and become a net importer of water by 1. Adopting drought resistance varieties of crops 2. Adopting micro-irrigation methods like sprinkler and drip irrigation 3. Importing water intensive crops like soybean cotton, meat and cereal grains, while exporting vegetables, fruits and processed food thus relieving the pressure on the domestic water resources 4. Smart virtual water management as the net balance can affect overall sustainability Therefore, net virtual water export can severely impact on a nations long-term water sustainability. Water scarcity increasingly calls for strengthened international cooperation in technologies for enhanced water productivity and an improved environment to share the benefits of scarce water management. nyc answer with gud examples on inter crop skewed ratio and government policy. you can add on india israel co operation in agriculture to enrich your answer Water scarcity is a situation when water is insufficient to meet the needs for various purposes like domestic, agriculture and industry. Inddiia is a virtual net exporter of water because 1. It exports foodgrains like rice which are high water consuming 2. It also exports agroproducts like gur obtained from sugarcane which is another water guzzling crop 3. India imports pulses, beans which have very little water Hence Indias water exports are water intensive and imports have little water content so it is a large virtual net exporter of water. India should not continue like this. This is because the current regime of export of water intensive crops hurts the water availability for other crops, domestic uses. Also these exports mostly benefit the large farmers. Prices of other crops also shoots up hurting common man. So these impose negative externality on our economy and ecology and must be changed. Cropping of indigenously needed crops like pulses should be given priority which will also help constrain CAD. According to the Falkenmark Water Stress Indicator, a country or region is said to experience 8220water stress8221 when annual water supplies drop below 1,700 cubic metres per person per year. At levels between 1,700 and 1,000 cubic meters per person per year, periodic or limited water shortages can be expected. When a country is below 1,000 cubic meters per person per year, the country then faces water scarcity. Another way of defining water scarcity is as the ratio of total water usage (groundwater and surface water) to water availability. The ideal ratio is 1:5 as some of the water available is required for ecological function too like in MAINATAINING ECOLOGICAL FLOW OF RIVERS. On the second definition, a great part of India is considered water scarce. Barring Brahmaputra and Mahanadi Basins, other river basins face water scarcity. In this, VIRTUAL NET EXPORT (VNE) OF WATER needs to be discussed. Water is used in many products, like in chemicals, sugar, foodgrains and agro products. When these products are exported, we are indirectly exporting water too. This is called VNE. Z. B. in 2014-15, our Basmati export of 3.7 million tonne meant that we exported 1 trillion litres of water too. Water Footprint Network (WFN) says that India is one of the countries with high VNE of water while the virtual net import is very less. For a water scarce country that seeks to increase its exports too reducing VNE of water is a tricky proposition. We can do afew things: 1) Increase water use efficiency of our agriculture and industry (drip irrigation, SUPER CRITICAL BOILERS, etc). 2) Intensive use of water (e. g. using treated sewage water in industry), recycling the water used (capturing the runoff of fields), etc. Good inputs8230and attempt8230 See my friend your points stated in definition of water scarcity is typical8230 Please make it simple and lucid8230 I can suggest you use specific details as examples in your case like basmati exports8230 Its a good read8230 Keep writing8230 By consistency you can produce within word llmit.. Water Scarcity is defined in terms of the ratio between water-usage and water availability. Ideally, a population should be using only 20 of ground/surface water available to it (ratio: 0.2). Even when whole of the available water is used (ratio: 1), it is called moderate scarcity. India is the largest net exporter of water because India is a net exporter of agricultural products. Indian agriculture is very inefficient in water usage. For example, 2700 liters of water goes into production of one kg of rice. So when India exports one kg of rice it is virtually exporting 2700 liters of water. This cannot be allowed to go on for ever. India is a water deficit country. Water is a prerequisite for human survival. The next century8217s wars are forecast to be water wars, which India cannot afford to be a part of. So India urgently needs to bolster food-storage capabilities and cut down food exports. Manufactured goods also require water in their manufacturing and care should be taken to ensure that the current drive to create trade surplus does not leave Indians with a parched throat. Trade surpluses a country can live without, water it cannot. Water scarcity is defined as the ratio of total surface/groundwater footprint to surface/groundwater availability in a given river basin. If the ratio is 1, it means that available surface/groundwater is being fully utilized and lower ratio than 1 indicates water scarcity. Due to agriculture based exports, both raw and finished, india is called virtual net exporter of water. Virtual quantity of the water for a particular product can be counted as the total quantity of water used during the whole process in which product came into being on earth till the final consumable position. In india, MSP linked wheat-rice crops and meat production have highest water consumption in comparison to worlds average and similar kind of situation can be seen in clothe and leather industries due to lack of technological innovations. Despite worsening and negative trends, indian policy makers and manufacturers forced to export due to high earning from exports, domestic employment support and apathy of population to shift towards service sector economy. In light of water crisis predicted by the studies for india in future and present very grim situation of water at present, india cant afford to hold such situation for long time. But, on other hand, importance of exports in economic aspects and growing need of indian consumption in its domestic geography, india needs to introduce water economic crops and technological interventions to reduce usage of water during processing of products. Water scarcity is link to the both Quantity and also Quality of the water availability. India is naturally Water deficient country as having more than 10 of the world population and Less than availability of thee 2.5 of the water sources. In addition the Climate change. Rapid industrialization. Cash crop cultivation etc. make the water sacristy sever. Traditionally Indian farmer grow Cereals crops but the Advent of the british change the crop pattern and Encourage the Cash crop which are water intensive and later he success of he Green revolution Intensify the cultivation of the water intensive crops. As per the economic survey of the 2016 8211 India Export the 1 of the fresh water annually in form of the cash crop export 8211 Sugar. Rice. Wheat etc are the Main part of the Indian export which all are the water intensive. India should limit the Production of the Cash crop and other water intensive crop for the Domestic consumption and Should Encourage the cultivation of the Pulses which need less water. According to water footprint network, water scarcity is the ratio between groundwater/ surface water footprint and available groundwater/surface water. It has classified scarcity into low, moderate, significant and severe. Data for India shows that except brahmaputra and mahanadi all other basins are water scarce for most part of the year. The virtual export of water is in terms of agricultural export that is leaving our borders. Being one of the top producers and exporters of rice and allied products, which take twice the amount of water to produce a half of the that ratio produce make us a virtual exporter of water. Ironically some of the water scarce basins like Indus and ganga are some of the top producers of these products leaving the conditions moving from bad to worse. the impact on water table is visible and it has threatened the survival of farm community. The dependence on monsoon has put the society in a famine situation wanting for food and water to drink. The basic model of trade would tell us to export surplus and import scarce and by the same logic we should import water intense products and export products requiring less water usage. China stands a good example in importing virtual water given its population and similarity with India If we continue to put pressure on our water resources our goal for sustainable development, power to poor, elevation of farm community and overall development would remain a distant dream. Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient water to meet the requirements of a region - agricultural, drinking water, daily needs. More than 1.2 billion people in the World suffer from shortage of drinking water. India is the largest net export of water because of the huge proportion of agricultural exports as opposed to agricultural imports. gt A large amount of water is used as input in the production of cereals like rice and cash crops like cotton and sugarcane. On top of this. there is humongous wastage and overuse of water as a result of wrong irrigation practices which include gtflooding the fields gt excessive withdrawal of ground water as a result of subsidised electricity and tube wells . gt A relative lower agricultural land under pulses, millet cultivation. even in areas agro-climatically suitable for them. Low MSPs further incentivises the farmers to shift towards cash crops and cereals. gtPractices like drip irrigation haven8217t been employed on a big scale. A partnership with Israel in this regard is welcome. Exports of agri products like rice, wheat, etc even though bring valuable Foreign exchange. in reality only ends up aggravating water scarcity. What can be done gt Rationalising the exports of rice. wheat and other cereals. esp in times of drought. gt Cultivation and choice of crops according to the agro-climatic type of the region. gt Drought resistant varieties of crops, seeds with low water requirement should be researched upon. gtBetter irrigation practices like drip irrigation(successful in Solan, HP with assistance of Mother dairy), bamboo drip irrigation (employed in the NE) gt Higher MSPs for millets, pulses. gt Population dependence on agri as a means of employment needs to reduced by building up a strong manufacturing base. Water is a scarce commodity as also observed by UN in its report of 2015, which predicts - at the present rate, we will be left only with 60 of the water. which we will need by 2030. When demand of water is more than supply of water for a period of time than the condition is termed as water scarcity. It is caused by overuse or misuse of this vital natural resource, especially is dry areas. A fine example of this can be seen right now in Maharashtra, where water intensive crops like sugarcane have sucked much of groundwater and drought for consecutive two years has caused severe water scarcity. In India, mostly water intensive cereals 8211 wheat and rice are promoted by the government, thanks to green revolution. Then there are water intensive cash crops like sugarcane which find favour among dry areas like Maharashtra. And then, we export these crops and thus become a water scarce country which is net exporter of water. Following measures may be taken to correct the situation:- a) Promote low water consuming crops like pulses, millets, etc against wheat, rice, sugarcane (through MSP, etc). b) Shift excess agriculture labours to manufacturing, promoting exports in secondary sector against primary sector. c) Account cost of water in accounting cost of cereals. d) Promote drip irrigation and other similar water saving technologies. 1) Define water scarcity. Despite facing water scarcity, why is India a large virtual net export of water Should it continue like this Comment. (200 Words) ans-water scarcity as its name suggest a condition of lack of availability of fresh water. various institution have further classified it in the basis of level of scarcity in terms of ratio of 8216footprint of water under use8217 and availability of water in that particular river basin. if this ratio is less then one, in between 1-1.5, in between 1.5-2, greater then 2 then it called as low water scare, moderate water scare, significant water scare and severe water scare respectively. India as an agricultural economy which export basket primarily consist of agricultural and allied commodity draw an attention in this era of climate change and water scarcity condition, because of water as an important input to these commodities. looking at the data of requirement of water in these commodities, these facts come:- - cultivation of one Kg of rice require 2800 litre of water as compare to 2100 litre at global scale - producing 1 Kg of goat meat require 8000 litre - India export around 10 trillion of water every year associated with export of rice these facts certainly make us to think that, in a time when India is facing a water crisis situation, our export has one of the important contributor in this. this is because of following reasons - - Green revolution-HYV seeds which are water intensive, farmers used water injudiciously and exploited ground water through wells and tube wells by availability of cheap electricity and attractive MSP given by govt. under wheat and rice. - encouragement of specific crop like sugar cane( water intensive crop) by big corporate and politician in Maharashtra and western UP. - practice of less efficient irrigation techniques like surface irrigation in place of more efficient techniques like micro irrigation. other than these there are many other factors which led to situation of twin deficit balance sheet i. e. loosing our water through exporting it free of cost and becoming water scare. time is to re-look on these each and every individual reasons and work on these other wise we will lose our precious environment resources in coming time. govt. initiative in terms emphasis on 8220more from less8221 principle by promotion of micro-irrigation is a good move and this require expansion in other left area. Water scarcity is defined as the ratio of total surface/groundwater footprint to surface/groundwater availability in a given river basin. In case of india, except for Brahmaputra and Mahanadi, all river basins with a population of more than 20 million experience water scarcity for a major part of the year. It is a shocking phenomena that despite having shortage of water india is one of the world8217s largest virtual exporter of water. Virtual export is which not visible or indirectly exporter. India is exporter of rice and meat. These are water guzzling sector and required trillions of tons of water each year in final production. Unscientific way of irrigation leads to deterioration in situation. This trend should be changed immediately in order to save water otherwise in coming year death due to water scarcity will be increase further. Following steps must be taken: Irrigation system should be changed. Drip irrigation should be promoted. Fort that huge investment in agriculture sector is needed. There is a need of revamping the pattern of agriculture. As the consumption pattern in country changes the production follow it. Now consumption of pulses have been increased. Despite being the largest producer of pulse india have to import pulse. MSP in pulse should inrcease to motivate farmers to grow more pulse. Increase the share of manufacturing in the GDP. For that make in india should be given more impetus. indian farmer should be make aware scarcity of water and how it can be avoided. Water guzzling crops such as sugarcane should not be grown in water deficient area. In case of deficiency those crops can be imported. urgent govt intervention on this issue is the need of the hour. Thousands of farmer commit suicide every year in india and lack of awareness makes it largest virtual exporter of water. Policy modification can awareness can solve the problem. 1. Water scarcity is a situation, when people dont have enough water for their daily use 2. We are facing acute water scarcity situation in the country, where In Latur, Authorities had to impose Sec of 144 to manage the people around borewell 3. Irony is that one the one hand we are facing acute shortage and on the other hand, we are providing subsidy to export the water, As per Economic survey, In exporting 1 Kg of Rice, use 5000 kgs of water 4. In a way, we are exporting water, we produce water surplus crop in water deficit area by using excessive ground water, this led to depletion of ground water situation 5. Our agriculture Use of 85 of Fresh water in a consumption 6. No what we need to do to deal with this a. Use of Advanced Irrigation method such as Drip irrigation and sprinker irrigation b. Use of MSP to manage the crop pattern and encourage the Crop resilient crops c. Increase in the investment in RampD for developing of low water usage technique in agriculture such as in Israel d. Efficient soil and water management e. Use of rain water harvesting and awareness campaign about the importance of water and scarcity Water scarcity is a situation in which available water resources is unable to meet the water requirement within the region. Except for Brahmaputra and Mahanadi basin, India is virtually a water scarce country, despite it is also a net water export country. Here water export means, exporting those products which are water intensive. Some of the examples which support the above arguments are - 1- India is net exporter of basmati rice. Rice are highly water intensive crop. 2- Production of sugarcane requires high water intake. India is exporter of sugar 3- Situation of Industrial sector is also not fine. They have outdated technology and poor planning of water use has led to high wastage. While export of such commodities help us balance our foreign trade at the same time it makes mockery of our system not able to provide a basic necessity of life. The way forward - 1- Sensitizing and propagating efficient water utilisation techniques such as drip and sprinkler irrigation system 2- Focussing toward water conservation and management system 3- Creating durable assets under MGNREGS which could mitigate adverse effects of drought 4-India suffers from a paradox of flood and drought at the same time, river interlinking project should be given serious consideration 5- Shift focus towards sustainable agriculture 6- Regulate industries which are exploiting this scarce resource Please review Water scarcity is defined as the ratio of total surface/ground water footprint to total surface/ground water availability for a river basin. Ideally, it should not be more than 20. According to Water footprint n/w (WFN) database, except Brahmaputra amp Mahanadi, all water basins with popn more than 20 million experience water scarcity for major part of the year incl. Ganga amp Indus. India is a net exporter of water because it exports water intensive crops like rice, sugarcane, amp animal products like red meat amp when these are exported, used water in making them also is virtally exported. But this trend is because 8211 1. Substantial profit is guaranteed through MSP for rice production amp their export brings huge forex reserves eg. Basmati 2. Govt subsidises electricity for irrigation which is often misused while rice produced amp hence no move towards water extensive crops 3. Lack of awareness amp govt initiatives to grow alternate crops eg. Pulses in fact, Govt has a skewed import export policy eg. Custom dty for expoting rice neglible compared to import duty while the reverse in pulses thus, importing pulses is discouraged In the wake of severe droughts amp water scarcity, steps must be taken 1. to move towards water extensive crops like plses, or horticulture in marathawada region 2. by encouraging export of pulses amp import of rice 3. promoting Genetically Modified drought resistant water extensive seeds 4. promoting System of Rice intensification for rice cultivation Its high time govt takes proactive measures to virtually import water rather than exporting it Water Scarcity is either the lack of enough water (quantity) or lack of access to safe water (quality). When annual water supplies for a region, drops below 1000 m3/person, it is called water scarce. Despite India nearly completely facing water scarcity, she is virtual net exporter of water, due to following factors: 1. 7th largest exporter of agriculture products, including bovine meat, rice, cotton etc. which have huge water footprint (WF). 2. Among lowest importers of virtual water. 3. High workforce dependence and policy emphasis on agriculture sector 4. Among largest exploiter of inefficient use of irrigation methods including canal, groundwater, surface etc. The present water scarcity in India is set to increase because: 1. Increasing population and per capita consumption 2. Depleting water resources 3. Inconsistent monsoons, growing drought incidents. 4. Promoting manufacturing exports, will further aggravate situation. Thus, India cannot let such a water trade deficit to continue. For this, she can employ following measures: 1. Encourage, incentivise water efficient, sustainable use in agriculture e. g. drip, sprinkler irrigation, organic farming (reduce water use in washing pesticides/pollutants) 2. Diversify export mix into lower WP products 3. Employ WP-Benchmark and aim to reduce WP, including by applying duties based on it. 4. Adopt water budgeting, conservation methods e. g. recharging water bodies (bandhs, johads, reservoirs, etc.) emphasis on reduction, recycle, reuse of water consumption. India needs to plan and execute maximum water use efficient practices in every sector, for a sustainable future. Water scarcity is defined as ratio of total surface or ground water footprint to surface/ground water availability in river basin. higher the ratio more is the scarcity. score of even 2 indicates severe water scarcity. Due to the failed monsoon in last 2 years, and outcomes like acute water crisis in latur and other villages has made water center of all discussion i. e why how much water is needed to produce a thing is also taken into account which is termed as virtual use, so when export happens we virtually export our water also. India apart from exporting many items export some high water demanding products like rice, meat and sugar etc. to produce a kg of goat meat it requires approax 8500 ltr of water and with rice it needs around 2100 ltr water which is relatively very high in water scarce country like India and thus increase the burden of social cost in the short run we can reduce the exports, however in the long run instead of curtailing our exports we should: - use our water resources more efficiently by adopting techniques like drip irrigation and sprinkler system. 8211 developing hybrid breeds which uses less resources including water. - developing advanced seeds and methods of agriculture which require less water - promoting exports of items which involves less social cost - organic farming, plantation of trees, water conservation techniques like tanka, johad etc should be promoted 8211 rain water harvesting should be made mandatory in all states and UT. - establishing more desalination plants Time has come for introspection, wrong farming practises, mainting status quo, lack of investement in agri infrastructure should be given away and to grow as world leader we should adopt sustainable and dynamic practises like a leader also. Water scarcity is a condition in which the surface/groundwater footprint is calculated. According to Water Scarcity Footprint(WSF) if the ratio is 1 8211 water is being utilised to its full capacity. If the ratio id below 1 then there is low scaricity, 1-1.5 means moderate scarcity,1.5-2 means significant scarcity and above 2 means severe water scarcity. India despite being a water scarce region is also a net water exporter. This is due to 1. Predominant agricultural dependence for livlihood for 48 of the population with focu more on water guzzling plants ex - paddy, sugarcane and cereals. 2. Agrcultural practice of inefficient flood irrigation practice compounded by tube well irrigation with cheap electricity as populace measure. Green revolution has increased the water demand directly fed by groundwater supply. 3. Indian industries having less efficient mechanism of water recycling and treatment thereby consuming more then their treatment capacity especially 4. Indian monsoonal rainfall focused in 3 months with little effort for rainwater harvesting and check dams for river basin sustainability during lean months. 5. India being a net exporter of agriculture and even steel which consumes more water makes it a net water scarce but water export country To fend off the water scarcity we need to adopt best practices in agriculture and industries. 1. Drip irrigation as envisaged under PM Krishi Vikas Yojna and ecouragement to Organic Food production under Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna can help us minimize water consumption and maximse production while protecting land degradation with fertilisers. It would also fetch higher price in International market helping farmers 2. Water recycling and minimized consumption be incentived in industries 3. Micro irrigation in local water basin be managed with farmers participation. It will bring awareness to them about best practices and available water budget which they have to manage India despite being blessed with river basins and ample rainfall has failed to check water run off and efficient utilization. It cannot continue without focusing on water management in view of climate change and vulnerable agriculture. Please Review. Thanks a lot Water scarcity is lack of sufficient availability of water resources in a region to meet the water needs. Water scarcity is not limited to developing World but also visible in developed world. Virtual net export of water is nothing but the exports of a country which involves water as primary resources in their production. Surprisingly, India being a water deficit country, is also a large virtual net exporter of water as seen in large export commodities that account for a significant share of domestic water use. 1. A large segment of population is depended on agriculture added to this the deliberate policy of government to build buffer stocks has resulted in significant growth of agriculture production over the years. India is a major exporter of rice, wheat, horticulture products, plantation crops like tea, coffee, sugar, spices etc. All these account for major chunk of water exports. In 2014-15, India exported 37.2 lakh tonnes of basmati for which it used around 10 trillion litres of water. 2. Inefficient agricultural practices have also resulted in excessive wastage of water in production process e. g most of the Indian farmers practice flood irrigation which leads to high wastage of water instead of using water saving irrigation techniques 3. India is also worlds 2nd largest importer of fresh water fish, meat and poultry products. In the case of goat meat, the requirement for water is as high as 8,763 litres per kg of produce. 4. India has also the lowest virtual imports of water in the world. The major import items like oil, gems hardly account for water consumption in their production process. 5. Programs like Make in India, export promotion schemes aim to make India the manufacturing hub for the global commodity trade. Increased exports as a result of these will add to the trade surplus in water. China though runs a virtual water trade surplus in crop and animal products, ends up exporting more water than importing because of its exports of its industrial products. 6. India also exports electricity to countries like Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. Electricity production through thermal and hydro power plants consumes large amounts of water. 7. Indian was also failed to adequately tame its major rivers like Brahmaputra, Satluj, Southern rivers, resulting in significant runoff to lower riparian states or wasteful discharge into the sea, adding the water scarcity. Should it be continued India should try to control the extent of water imports as done by other countries in the subcontinent. China has been aggressive in taming all its rivers and available water resource to ensure optimal utilization without sacrificing on the growth potential. India must also explicitly adopt measures which take into account water intensity of its exports while planning for larger water use efficiency and utilization. 1. Bring out the new methods of export calculation based on water and calorific value rather than output number. 2. Encouraging efficient utilization of water in agriculture through techniques like drip irrigation, rain water harvesting, planting of less water intensive varieties etc. Promoting culture reuse 3. Shifting of excess agricultural labour into industrial production through Skill India and MII initiatives. Manufacturing industries should adopt technology that would increase their water efficiency. 4. Focus on manufactured agricultural exports with long shelf lives. 5. Appropriate pricing of water to ensure that it becomes a factor in economic decision making Only with an advanced foresight and multidimensional planning can India fight its water scarcity problem which is going to worsen in coming years. Water scarcity is the term related to non availability of sufficient amount of water to sustain the growing population. This is due to lack of water planning in the country. 1) India has a vast geographic area in which lot of regions are water deficient especially central and western India. There is low rainfall in these regions and available groundwater is depleting rapidly. 2) India exports water intensive crops like rice, groundnut, soyabean etc. Due to this lot of water gets utilized for these crops. 3) Due to the 8220Make in India8217 scheme there is large scale manufacturing activities will take place in the country. This will require lot of water. 4) Inefficient water uses in agriculture will aggravate the situation further. In order to minimize effects of globalization on water, we need to adopt efficient agricultural practices. Like in Israel, even though they have very less amount of water, they have planned the water use in better manner. Water scarcity is defined as the ratio of total surface/ground water footprint to surface/ground water availability in a given river basin. In recent years water scarcity becomes a global issue. Virtual net export of water means exporting of water intensive products. In the present global context India has got the hood of the largest water exporter of the world. 1.Emphasis on the export of the water guzzling commercial crops like sugar, Basmati rice etc. Data shows that to export this rice, the country used around 10 trillion liters of water. 2.Due to lack of proper initiative India imports rather than exports water efficient crops like pulses, beans etc. 3. More demographic dependence on Agriculture increases the agriculture output. 4. Green Revolution had shifted the agricultural yield upward. 5.Not only agri but also industrial sectors like textiles, Iron and steel are also water guzzling and lead to upward net export of eater from India. India should take the following rational measures in this regard to enable herself to continue without compromising the domestic interest. 1.More focus on the export of water efficient crops like pulses. 2.Increase the MSP for pulses. 3. Incentivise the technology to optimise the resources and restrict the over production of cereals by removing subsidies. 4.Encourage farmers to adopt drip irrigation instead of flood irrigation. 5.Reduce burden on agriculture through the schemes like skill India, start up India, PM Kaushal vima yojana etc. 6. India should focus on the adoption of the water efficient - improved category technologies and here MII is important is mention worthy. water scarcity is define as a non available of essential quantity of water for drinking as well as for economic activity. 1)Since independence Indian large economic activity depend on agriculture. 2) Agriculture is a sector where water is essential raw material to reap the benefits. 3) Indian agriculture and Allied sectors such as Dairy, Horticulture, Poultry, Sericulture, Poultry, Fishery are water intensive. 4) Post green revolution Indian agriculture changed its cropping pattern, switch to cash crops which require more water example Sugarcane, Cotton, Tobacco, Rice - baskets. 5) Although agriculture and Allied sectors are having very less share in GDP and net export. 6) But other industrial production also highly depend on water resources like Dia and colouring, tanneries, real estate, food processing, foot ware, 7) Net share of water in export and GDP is almost 60 Medical, tourism, farma, and chemical industries are net directly depend on water. Weather condition and uncertain monsoon a) India is under deficient global precipitation pattern. b) India receive it8217s share of rain in 4 months. c) Failure of monsoon lead to drought and repeatability of such a scenario lead to harsh water shortage such as Marathi Ada, Bundelkhand,. d) Uncontrolled extraction of ground water for agriculture, house hold, and industrial purpose also. e) MANREGA fail to create capital asset in rural areas in support of water conservation, check dams. f) Need to audit of total water potential and actual avaibality of the same. g) Change in cropping pattern and introduction of drought resistant seeds. Rice research center to be encouraged for finding new verity of seeds which needs less water. h) Drip and sprinkle erigation must be promoted. I) west water treatment plants must be implemented in industrial and metropolis zone j) Water conservation and education with wide publicity is necessary. k) River linking project and NARAYAN GANGA project to be completed on war footing Water is lifeline of Indian economy as well as livelihood of millions of Indian although indirect export of water must be managed with efficient coordination with Central Water Commission and Meteorological department with Minister of Agriculture. Active citizen and bureaucratic approach will solve this tricky water puzzle Water is a critical natural resource for human existence on earth. It is recycled in the form of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. However, due to suboptimal usage and increasing pollution due to industrialisation and modernisation has led to loss of fresh water availability. India is water scarce in sense that many of its states do not have perennial source of water while whole of country is monsoon dependent. India is net water exporting country as it exports more water intensive crops and products like sugar, rice, wheat and soyabeans while import less water intensive crops like pulses. Hence it is important that India changes its production pattern to balance the trade of water. 8211 Extra water that is exported is so much that it can fulfill demand of 11 million people in country 8211 Current system of irrigation is 8216flood irrigation8217 which needs to be replaced with 8216micro irrigation8217 with techniques like fertigation, drip irrigation to check excessive water run off 8211 Land distribution need to be corrected which is biased towards pulses getting unirrigated lands for cultivation 8211 Price shocks: domestic supply of pulses is vulnerable hence it is critical to be self sufficient to stabilise its prices and increase physical access to poor and vulnerables Water exporting as is being done at present need to change. Affirmative actions such as PNKSY, Aquifer mappings, more awareness about pulses MSP, social returns wrt money reutrns will go a long way in achieving this objective.

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